Memora Health: Top 5 Use Cases for Patient Access

Memora Health
6 min readMar 18, 2021


Memora Health is committed to enabling health systems and provider groups to modernize patient access and develop stronger relationships with their patients. Memora’s unified solution helps access centers deploy intelligent appointment reminders, recall workflows, surveys, and balance notifications that improve efficiency and meet patient expectations. Memora’s suite of products allows access centers to digitize and customize patient outreach with multiple delivery channels and 109 languages to meet patient preferences. With a 92% patient satisfaction rate and 1.8x increase in visit volume, Memora helps health systems deliver a best-in-class patient experience. Below we share the top five use cases that our partner health systems have implemented to modernize patient access.

1. Intelligent Appointment Reminders

Intelligent appointment reminders aim to decrease patient no-shows and clinic interruptions, saving valuable staff time. Appointment reminders often shape a patient’s perception of their health system — does their experience feel modern, easily accessible, and personalized?

Memora’s appointment reminders are customizable in both content and frequency and available via multiple delivery channels (SMS, IVR, email, WhatsApp) in 109 languages. Our intelligent reminders have increased appointment attendance by 1.8x and reduced no-show rates by 49%. Memora’s system can be used to respond to patients’ questions about their appointment — whether it’s about the clinic location, paperwork, or appointment time — taking additional burden off the front desk or call center teams and delivering a truly consumerized access to care.

2. Patient Recall & No-Show Follow-Up

Scalable patient recall and no-show follow-up workflows are important for optimal clinic operations. Addressing and overcoming barriers to appointment attendance can make a significant difference in a patient’s care journey and increase patient show rates.

Memora supports health systems by assessing the root cause for patients’ missed appointments, e.g. childcare problems, transportation, work conflicts, and deploys responsive workflows to bring patients back. To make this an easy process for staff and patients, Memora’s solution allows patients to reschedule their appointments using their preferred communication channel, e.g. SMS.

Using a technology partner to bring patients back ought to be a top priority for health systems in a post-COVID-19 world — health system leaders can begin revenue recovery by implementing Memora’s solution to notify patients of their missed appointments and procedures while providing reassurance on clinic safety.

3. Care Management Workflows

With 99% of patients’ time spent outside the four walls of the clinic, it’s more important than ever to have a unified strategy to support patients in their ongoing health journey at home and work. Using tools to stay connected, including sending preventive care reminders to patients and offering remote patient monitoring tools, intelligently alerting care teams of clinical problems instead of having them manage all patient messages and driving alert fatigue, can support patients in their day-to-day life while making the data that physicians review significantly more valuable.

Memora enables a comprehensive approach that strengthens patients’ engagement in their ongoing care outside the clinic setting, including proactive screening as well as digital care strategies like remote patient monitoring. Importantly, Memora uses intelligent alerts to notify care teams when patients experience negative symptoms, providing a better pathway to identify patients that need additional clinical care. Memora is able to remind patients about symptom reporting and integrates with medical devices to support remote patient monitoring. Using this approach, Memora has achieved over 90% patient activation.

4. Interactive Patient Surveys

Interactive patient surveys can increase patient engagement and provide better insight into patients’ needs and experience. Surveys that allow for customized feedback and follow-up based on responses provide more actionable and impactful information over traditional standardized ratings. Given that patient experience continues to be top of mind for health systems as a component of quality measures, rankings, and associated payment incentives, interactive surveys can be a powerful tool for higher ratings.

Memora’s survey tool allows health systems to assess patient experience in real time. Feedback can be used to deploy immediate follow-up and additional customized outreach workflows to ensure patients know they are being heard. If a patient had a positive experience, Memora can automatically direct them to complete a review on Google, Facebook, or Yelp. If a patient felt that their experience wasn’t great, Memora can alert a care team member for direct patient follow-up to ensure the concern is understood and attempt to make it right.

Surveys can also be used to gain important feedback as it relates to patients’ care plans and how well they are progressing in their care pathway. Feedback collected through surveys allows clinical teams to understand symptoms early and identify any problems patients may be experiencing before they escalate. Memora has seen successful clinical impact using surveys tied to care pathways, including in the areas of oncology, orthopedics, cardiology, perinatal care, and others.

5. Patient Balance Notifications

As with other patient communication, providing patients with necessary information and transparency about outstanding balances requires an effective, delicate, and patient-centric approach. Balance notifications need to be sent with intelligent frequency and contain relevant, easy-to-understand information for the patient, including the balance due, the due date, and a way to pay. Memora also offers a convenient and readily accessible way for patients to directly access the payment collection application from the message. Similar to other reminders, Memora partners with health systems to deploy customized workflows to enable balance notifications. With Memora’s extensive integration capabilities, patients can be directed to the appropriate payment application whether that’s part of the EMR, access center, or handled through a third-party payment processor.

Memora has built best practices tied to the type of billing statements that your organization has, whether electronic or paper, as they create important touchpoints to activate patients to pay in a timely manner. Nearly 30% of patients are more likely to pay their bill on time after receiving a timely reminder, making balance reminders an important tool for health systems in their accounts receivable cycle and patient payment strategy.

Moving Ahead — Intelligent Patient Access Solutions

Emerging from COVID-19, modernizing patient access systems ought to be atop priority for health systems — implementing best-in-class systems that will empower teams to deliver a consumerized and simplified ability for patients to access and engage in care will be the single greatest determinant of revenue for the next 3 years.

Intelligent access solutions allow health systems and provider groups to differentiate themselves in the market and optimally engage with patients while lowering administrative burden. Memora’s unified platform offers highly effective and scalable solutions that enhance patient loyalty, improve patient experience, and increase operational efficiency. Memora supports all aspects of patient communication to keep patients engaged in their care and makes information easily accessible when patients need it most. Memora offers a win-win approach that both guides patients seamlessly through their care journey while also improving access center operations.

To learn more about how Memora Health scales intelligent, patient-centered communication for patient access, please contact us at

Memora Health is building the operating system for care delivery that implements intelligent, streamlined workflows and revolutionizes the patient experience outside the care setting. We offer a smart end-to-end platform that unifies fragmented health care data to enable providers, payors, and life science companies to automate care delivery operations — from patient communication to documentation to reimbursement. We uniquely use artificial intelligence to digitize existing care delivery workflows, giving clinicians infrastructure that learns from every encounter they have. Memora supports a full suite of virtual care systems from automated patient intake and scheduling to remote monitoring and care pathways to billing and documentation. Memora is backed by Andreessen Horowitz, SV Angel, Kevin Durant, Martin Ventures, and several healthcare strategic groups.



Memora Health

Digitize & automate care journeys to simplify how patients and clinicians navigate complex care delivery. Contact us at to learn more.